Monday, May 19, 2008

Grandpa Pops....

Grammy & Grandpa Pops came to visit me in April.
Here is a shot of Pops & I in the backyard.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Flash Back to 2007

Here are some cute pictures of me when I was just wee-bean.
What's this about a devilish-look?

Baby Buddha

Check me out when I was a little bean - Oh! I am such a cutie. I am 2 months old.

Strolling with my best buddy Fonz

Friday, May 2, 2008

Walking in Circles

Last night I was fired up to ride my American Flier trike, but unfortunately my feet don't really reach the floor least not both of my feet. So, I'm making due with by walking with the trike in circles. Check me out!