Sunday, July 20, 2008

I love broccoli

One of my favorite dinner time treats is broccoli. Strange, you say, that I would like broccoli so much? Think again. Daddy's favorite vegetable is broccoli too.

Here I am gnoshing on some brocci.

My other favorite is a tasty lime, after, during or before dinner!
Here I am cruising around with my other favorite green treat.

Fun at the pool

Mom took me to the pool today - my first time! I really liked my outfit. It was fun walking in the water and cruising around checking out the other kids. Cooper, Tim, Paige and Carter were there too. I hope I can swim like Cooper one day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Playing in the backyard

It's about time I started wearing shoes, I mean seriously. So here I am crusing around the backyard a few weeks ago.

July 14, 2008...a day that my parents will never forget!

Today, I finally made my parents happy and took more than a few steps across the room. Here I go between Dadzo and Bishnu.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Live, from San Diego

I really enjoyed San Diego. We stayed in La Jolla Shores at Tom's house. It was alot of fun. I climbed all over Tom's house - up stairs, down stairs, outside and back in. It was pretty warm, so I wore this summer dress and looked cute.

We also went to the beach alot, and I loved it. I think I'm a beach girl. Check me out.

Uh oh! Here comes a wave.

Momzo showed me how to play in the sand.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Getting excited for San Diego!

I'm getting excited for my first trip (outside momzo's belly) to San Diego.
Sometimes when I get excited I move my hands really fast, like this.

Last weekend Momzo was in New Orleans, wherever that is. All I know is that she was gone for a few days, but brought me back some beads. I don't know how she got them or what they're for, but I think they're really cool. Bella does too.

But the bottom line is that I'm excited to go to San Diego where I plan to take long walks on the beach, play in the sand, chill with my buddy Tom and just relax for a few days.