Monday, September 29, 2008

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? Take Interstate Boogie Down.

Let's be honest, I've got moves...especially when it comes to Sesame Street.

Bigfoot Discovered in Boulder, Colorado!

Fashionista Margarita

Let's be honest, I'm a fashionista. I can't blame anyone but Grandpa Rea for my latest fall fashions. Here are a few shots of my new outfits. Notice how I "bring it" to the runway. Work!

Banana Face

I'm a big fruit eater and I REALLY like my bananas. Sometimes I try to fit too much banana into my mouth.

A walk in the park (& playground)

Auntie Liz and Grandpa Rea paid me a visit last weekend. What a treat. Luckily it was a beautiful weekend and we could spend alot of time outside. Here I am with Grandpa Rea walking in the park.

Grandpa Rea taught me the finer points of riding the see saw. I may turn pro. He certainly seems to be enjoying himself.

Here Mom & Dad have a go seeing who can bounce the other one off the see saw. We had alot of fun.

Grandpa Rea also bought me some new fall clothes. Being a fashionista can be exhausting!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm ready for my close-up

Sometimes, when you look good, you just gotta let the world know.
On my visit to Knoxville, to see my Grandparents, Mommy snapped this quite flattering shot of me bathing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Me and the G-rents

I love my grandparents. It's too bad they live so far away. I have such a fun time when they come and visit.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures with the Mommies and Daddies of my Mommy and Daddy.

Grammie and Granpa Rea

Grandma and Grampa Duffey

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Old Favorites

Dad finally downloaded all the pictures Mommy has taken on her digital camera - 395 pictures, to be exact. Whew!

As I was looking through the 395 (!) pictures, I picked out some of my favorites. Here they are.