Saturday, November 8, 2008

I love my pink boots

I also love my pink crocs

And Fonzie loves my Lamby and my Silky Bear

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sayulita, ole!

Roman and I started a wild week in Sayulita, Mexico by getting to know each other on the patio of the house we rented.

Then Roman taught me how to spit!

We polished off the nudity with a few cocktails on the beach. Ole!

Where will the madness end?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? Take Interstate Boogie Down.

Let's be honest, I've got moves...especially when it comes to Sesame Street.

Bigfoot Discovered in Boulder, Colorado!

Fashionista Margarita

Let's be honest, I'm a fashionista. I can't blame anyone but Grandpa Rea for my latest fall fashions. Here are a few shots of my new outfits. Notice how I "bring it" to the runway. Work!

Banana Face

I'm a big fruit eater and I REALLY like my bananas. Sometimes I try to fit too much banana into my mouth.

A walk in the park (& playground)

Auntie Liz and Grandpa Rea paid me a visit last weekend. What a treat. Luckily it was a beautiful weekend and we could spend alot of time outside. Here I am with Grandpa Rea walking in the park.

Grandpa Rea taught me the finer points of riding the see saw. I may turn pro. He certainly seems to be enjoying himself.

Here Mom & Dad have a go seeing who can bounce the other one off the see saw. We had alot of fun.

Grandpa Rea also bought me some new fall clothes. Being a fashionista can be exhausting!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm ready for my close-up

Sometimes, when you look good, you just gotta let the world know.
On my visit to Knoxville, to see my Grandparents, Mommy snapped this quite flattering shot of me bathing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Me and the G-rents

I love my grandparents. It's too bad they live so far away. I have such a fun time when they come and visit.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures with the Mommies and Daddies of my Mommy and Daddy.

Grammie and Granpa Rea

Grandma and Grampa Duffey

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Old Favorites

Dad finally downloaded all the pictures Mommy has taken on her digital camera - 395 pictures, to be exact. Whew!

As I was looking through the 395 (!) pictures, I picked out some of my favorites. Here they are.

Friday, August 29, 2008

My trip to Florida

There's nothing better than flying to Florida in August. The sun, the sand, the surf and Grammie and Grandpa's pool!

Here are a few pics from my most recent adventure.

I love kicking it in the pool. Floatin is da bomb, whatever that means.

Wildlife wrangling is Florida state pastime I hear, so I thought I'd try it out on this tiger. He's much more docile than the Fonz when I pull his ears.

Grammie Duffey plays the piano. She taught me a few pieces and Lambie was a willing audience, so I put my tutu on (of course) and played my first concert.

I really get into my performances. I'm quite physical when I play. Here I am doing my best to really draw in the audience with a darting glance while I climb onto the top of the piano.

It was pretty hot in Boca Raton, so I spent alot of time in the pool. Boy those floatie toys are tasty!

Grammie Duffey is my swim partner. I think I'm ready to swim laps, but I think she just wanted to hang out. Grammie and I are pals.

It's all about sun protection in Florida. Here I'm wearing my favorite sun hat while I swim with Grammie.

Grandpa loves his crocs. Be it that Crocs is a Boulder company, I thought I'd show him how to wear Crocs and a diaper...with style.

Of course I know I have to do my fair share of chores when visiting Grammie and Grandpa's house, so I decided to stick to my old favorite, emptying the dishwasher.

Waterfalls are great. Mommie kept putting me in the big girls pool, but I really wanted to end up in the little girls pool.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

The kissing machine

After a long day of teaching Daddy how to mow the lawn, there's nothing better than a little making out with Paul & Babs, my two new pink flamingos.

Mowing the lawn with Dad

Dad may be good at some things, like taking the trash out, throwing the ball with Fonzie and changing diapers, but he really needs to improve upon his lawn mowing. Last weekend, I just got tired of it and decided to show him how it's done. Mom thought it was entertaining so she recorded out "education" session. I don't think it's funny, I think it's sad...because seriously, he's been mowing lawns his entire life. When will he learn?

I even weed!

He really has no attention span for learning.

It's all about pacing yourself. Daddy doesn't get that. And you gotta pay attention to the tree roots.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This is my first week at "school". I'm not sure what school is, but I go there in the morning, play with a bunch of new toys, hear "teachers" read stories and go outside and play.

Here are a few pics from my 2nd day at school.

Traffic was a nightmare getting there.

I found myself daydreaming at the wheel.

When I got there, they put me to work cleaning tables. Sheesh!

And they put me on stroller duty.

Fortunately, it was a beautiful day and it wasn't too exhausting. Maybe I'll go back.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

I love broccoli

One of my favorite dinner time treats is broccoli. Strange, you say, that I would like broccoli so much? Think again. Daddy's favorite vegetable is broccoli too.

Here I am gnoshing on some brocci.

My other favorite is a tasty lime, after, during or before dinner!
Here I am cruising around with my other favorite green treat.

Fun at the pool

Mom took me to the pool today - my first time! I really liked my outfit. It was fun walking in the water and cruising around checking out the other kids. Cooper, Tim, Paige and Carter were there too. I hope I can swim like Cooper one day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Playing in the backyard

It's about time I started wearing shoes, I mean seriously. So here I am crusing around the backyard a few weeks ago.

July 14, 2008...a day that my parents will never forget!

Today, I finally made my parents happy and took more than a few steps across the room. Here I go between Dadzo and Bishnu.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Live, from San Diego

I really enjoyed San Diego. We stayed in La Jolla Shores at Tom's house. It was alot of fun. I climbed all over Tom's house - up stairs, down stairs, outside and back in. It was pretty warm, so I wore this summer dress and looked cute.

We also went to the beach alot, and I loved it. I think I'm a beach girl. Check me out.

Uh oh! Here comes a wave.

Momzo showed me how to play in the sand.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Getting excited for San Diego!

I'm getting excited for my first trip (outside momzo's belly) to San Diego.
Sometimes when I get excited I move my hands really fast, like this.

Last weekend Momzo was in New Orleans, wherever that is. All I know is that she was gone for a few days, but brought me back some beads. I don't know how she got them or what they're for, but I think they're really cool. Bella does too.

But the bottom line is that I'm excited to go to San Diego where I plan to take long walks on the beach, play in the sand, chill with my buddy Tom and just relax for a few days.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Look at me standing on my own

So, let's be honest. I've been a little slow to take on the walking thing. Bishnu calls me "lazy" when it comes to walking, but I don't let it bother me. Let me set the record straight...when I'm ready to walk, I'll walk....I might even run. Watch out.

To silence my critics and the non-believers, I thought I'd post about my ability to stand on my own. And of course, I do it in style with my favorite beret. Note that I stand on my own twice...just to make sure everyone sees I can do it on my own.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Me, Bella, Fonzie & Bubbles

No, we didn't adopt Michael Jackson's pet monkey...Bishnu just started blowing bubbles the other day and Momzo got it on the video camera. I'm not sure what "bubbles" are, but I'll figure them out soon.

Later on that day, I climbed into the refrigerator again. I love that thing...and I love strawberries. Here I am combining two of my 15 month old passions.

Puppy Tug of War

Fonzie and Lucky are best friends. Lucky lives next door an hops the fence nearly every morning and evening to check in with Fonz. Every once in a while they play tug of war. Here they are going at it again.

Baby Torture

So, yeah, I like wearing Fonzie's harness, but that doesn't make it ok to torture me, right? Here my Mom gives me the Chinese tickle torture. Torture!

Walking in the backyard

There's nothing better than getting outside and having a walk in the backyard on a Saturday morning. That's just what I did last weekend. Momzo recorded it all.

Check out my moves...I'm getting this walking thing down.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I like Jamba Juice too

Don't be afraid, sometimes I just need to go incognito.
Here I am at Jamba Juice, trying to keep a low profile.
I like the all-fruit smoothies, if you're wondering.

I'm an advertisement for Whole Foods

Perhaps they will sponsor my pre-school education?
I love going to Whole Foods. I say "Hi" and wave to everyone I see.
Here I am munching on an apple, with an avocado on deck.
Anytime you want to take me to Whole Foods, I'm game.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Check out my new tennis skirt

I know I like tennis balls. I know I like my new skirt. Now I have to get a hold of a racquet.

(I love the camera too)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Roman & Margaret - we love the refrigerator

There's nothing better than hanging with your buddy Roman in the refrigerator.

Cocktail anyone?

Nothing better than a beer after a long day of crawling around and half-standing.

I get excited

Sometimes, I just get excited.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tupperware Head

Nothing is safe from me when I become Tupperware Head!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Beauty & The Bean Face ...

I took my dad to the Rio last night for his birthday.
I ate all his black beans - yummy.
My friend Roman (& his parents) came into town, so they joined us.
We had SO much fun. I love the RIO.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Grandpa Pops....

Grammy & Grandpa Pops came to visit me in April.
Here is a shot of Pops & I in the backyard.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Flash Back to 2007

Here are some cute pictures of me when I was just wee-bean.
What's this about a devilish-look?