Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More pics from my week with Dadzo

I love riding in my Brio push cart almost as much as I like pushing it.

I'm also experimenting with standing in my Brio push cart. Dadzo says I'm riding my baby Segway.

Still, I like my older toys. I love this one. It's a baby Einstein play thingy. I used to just lay on the ground and stare up at it. Now I use it to help me climb up and stand. It makes noises and lights up. It's cool.

New toys from Auntie Jen in Knoxville, TN

Auntie Jen is the best. She sent me new bath toys for my birthday. Here I am playing with them the first time. They make little noises and different parts spin and stuff. They're great.

I forgot to post this one. Last weekend I cruised around on the trike my buddy Cooper brought over last week. I'm starting to get the hang of it.

While Mom is away, me and dad play!

Momzo had to go away to New York for a business trip, so Dad and I have been hanging out. It's beautiful here in Boulder. Spring has sprung. Here are a few pics from Dadzo's camera phone from the last few days.

Aren't the flowers beautiful?

I'm standing alot and almost balancing by myself now. All this activity makes me a bit sweaty. Solution? Bath Time!

Here's another shot of the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder. Isn't it pretty? I can't wait till I can walk on my own so I can cruise around the mall!

Grandma and Grandpa Rea sent me a photo of them. I like it! Here I am. I was a bit tired by the end of the night.

I admit, I'm a bit of a daredevil. One of my favorite things to do is climb into the refrigerator. Here I am again. Dadzo got me in the act. Busted!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Check out my first tooth!

Holy cow, something is growing out of my gums! Momzo and Dadzo say it's a tooth...whatever that is. Dadzo said it looked like a zit a week ago, but now I can feel that its sharp and flat and a little wide. I kindof feel like there's one right next to it, but I can't really feel it just yet.


Here I am, excited about my first "tooth".


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Riding my swing

One of my favorite things to do in the afternoon is ride on my swing. Grampa Rea hung it up for me when he was last out in March. Spring is here in Boulder, so I get to ride the swing all the time now. Yesterday (Saturday) Mom went to Denver to hang out with her friends so Dadzo and I hung out together.


We also spent alot of time inside with the windows open cruising around the house.


I like to play with electronics and make phone calls.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bald is Beautiful

Maggie's cousins Jack & Ryan shaved their heads for St. Baldricks Children Cancer Research. They were the ONLY kids their 1st grade class to particpate... pretty cool dudes. The school raised over $25k for this amazing foundation.

WAY TO GO JACK & RYAN - you're my heros! xo Maggie

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mission Impossible - a photo of Maggie's 1st tooth

Finally a FANG! Maggie broke ground the week of her birthday. So far she has been a champ - and chewing on EVERYTHING, including Fonzie's kong. I hope to have evidence soon (of her tooth). Unfortunately her jaw is like pit bull and it's impossible to get a shot.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First Birthday: Cooper Plays from the Heart

My man Cooper has been playing guitar for half his life - literally. Check out his innovative axe action - he really "feels" the music.


I don't know who Jimi Hendrix is, but somebody said Cooper is channeling him...I don't know what that means either.


You all know how this ends...Coopers Mom (Auntie Paige) had to carry Coop off the stage. Coop rocks till he drops.


Monday, April 14, 2008

First Birthday: Buzz Buzz Cake Sugar Buzz

Momzo and Dadzo know how to treat me right. One part cupcake, one part icing, two hands. I'd never had cake before and now I know why I haven't...this stuff is great!

Here's a video of my first cupcake. Yum.

First Birthday: Before the Cake

Before I upload my first birthday cake adventure pics and videos, I thought I'd post a few videos from the pre-cake party.

Cooper and Reba came over. We all partied on the back patio.


Cooper, my #1 dude, brought over his old tricycle for me to balance on. I think I'll be riding this all by myself pretty soon. Check out my balance skills.


Here's a video of my Nicholl Street Ladies - Emma, Avery, Caroline and Lily Mae. We're a rowdy bunch when we get together, but hey, what are our parents gonna do...move? Seriously, they don't know how good they've got it now.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fonzie has some issues

One of them is licking. Sometimes he just licks and licks and licks all day long. I sometimes wonder if he's going to lick his nose off.


I'm a crack up

I love it when Daddy makes me laugh.


I love walking

I think I'm getting the hang of this.

Walking is pretty fun. Sometimes the floor is slippery, but maybe Momzo and Dazo will make wear shoes soon. Here I go again.">a>

Sometimes I just like to ride...let the wind blow through my hair...just be free.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Walking ever better...

Dad and I hung out this Thursday when Mom went to pick up Grandpa and Grandma Duffey. We had alot of fun. I discovered that I can now climb into the dishwasher.

I'm also getting better with my Brio walking cart. I cruised around the whole house. I think it help me sleep better that night.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My new wheels from my pal Cooper



Watchful eye of Dwight

Dwight? Yes, Fonz too has many many nicknames. His most recent is Dwight - from the sitcom The Office. This is not because the Fonz has won Dunder Mifflin's Salesman of the Month award 13 times in the last 12 months - although he could - it's due to his endless dedication to protecting his sister Margaret.

Party in my hood - October '07

This is a shot of my pals Sloan Thompson (future party buddy) & Will Toomey (future b.f.) They came from Denver to my hood-Boulder, for a pumpkin party. We had a great time as you can see.... it did get a little uncomfortable when Will made it obvious he was interested in me & not Sloan (see photo on top) What's a girl to do? I was rocking my Scardy Cat Halloween outfit - jeez Sloan.


Grandpa Rea hooked me up with a new swing. Just in time for the great weather we have been getting. I'm looking forward to my 1st b-day party this weekend and showing Pops & Grammy Duff how I swing ...

Brekenridge 2007 Christmas with The Rea's

Margaret spent her 1st xmas with the Rea clan in Brekenridge, CO. Thankfully she was an awesome sleeper and really enjoyed all the love and attention she received from her grandparents, aunties Liz & Jen & uncle Keith. Patrick & I had a 4 days of skiing and a day x-country skiing - one of our best vacations yet. Hopefully this will be an annual with the Rea's and/or the Duffey's.

Monday, April 7, 2008

They call me Bubbles ...

Bathing is certainly one of Margaret's favorite past times. I'm sure she won't be happy with some of these shots - but we are years out from the backlash so here we go ....


Ohhh those are funny names mommy

There are so many names that magically come into play when you have a teeny-tiny baby that is the cutest thing you have ever laid eyes on. I come from a long history of nick naming family & friends so calling her Maggie, Margi, Pickles, Butters ... in the same day doesn't seem to faze any of us - even little Ms Muffet.

I list the current names so you know who i am referring to throughout the blogging.

Muffindorf, Bean, Beanie, Margot, Stink Face, Madge, Snuggie, Pickles, Baby Fish Mouth, Maggie, Margi (after moms favorite drink) Bubbles, M.J. (short for Muff Jr.) and my favorite Moshupork.

The list continues to grow - I am anxious to see what sticks.

Beauty & The Beast

Margaret is one year old and she is Fonzie's #1 fan....we're not sure he returns the feelings yet.
He remains, loyally, always on duty protecting her from squirrels, birds and neighbor dogs that may happen to walk by.



Frankenbean ... she's alive

Back up a year (almost literally) - Margaret Ella Rea was born Tuesday April 10th, 2007 at 5:21pm, weighing 6lbs even, 19 and a quarter inches long, head circ of 13in at Boulder Medical Center - room 301. After a couple days in the hosptial Dr. Plotnick (the GREATEST doc in the world) delivered a healthy and beautiful little lady - affectionately known for the 10 months leading up to this day as Beanie or the Bean. Again, for anyone who knew me in my Florida life, not shocking that she would be referred to as a food!!!

Patience ... i'm blogging

Blogging? Sadly, this is a foreign area to me. I suppose it's a bit like the Internet or email was to my parents. Oh god - I've become one of those .... a PARENT. They survived modern technology, so shall I.

Alas, my journey of blogging begins - (please bare with me - and remember I'm trying). Liz - don't fret, we will give you our passwords for editting :)

I promised Margaret (& my friend Diania D.) that I would be like the other cool moms and write about Margaret & all the amazing things my kid is accomplishing!

I suppose it's appropriate to introduce the subject - FITTINGLY named Margaret. I say "fittingly" as names were a much deliberated & heated topic of conversation for what seemed like eternity. For anyone that knows me, you can imagine how many names I feel in & out of love with (Stella, Scarlett, Miles, Bean, Duffey, Pocahanus ...) Thankfully Patrick held true to his 1st and only choice, Margaret. I can't imagine any other name for her. She is a Margaret!

Here are some more lovely names our families offered up - note: Rea is pronounced Ray - which is important for the following: Paula (1 guess - Grandpa Duffey aka Paul or Pops), Pearl (again Grandpa Pops - as we found out sex of baby on Pearl Harbor Day), Sugar Rea (Uncle Tyler), Sting Rea (Jack & Ryan my twin nephews) who I will quote "we are sick of girl cousins, can't we get a boy so we have someone to play with". Oh just you wait till Maggie is vertical, you will really wish you had a boy cousin!